
Kas oled käinud Järvamaa Muuseumis?

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Welcome to Järvamaa Museum!

Järvamaa Museum is one of the oldest county museums. The first entry in the guest book of the Artefact Preservation Society's museum, established on the initiative of the Baltic Germans, was made on 31 July in 1905. We regard that day as the beginning of the official activity of the current museum.

During just over a hundred years, the museum has gathered an awe-inspiring collection of museum items that includes over 78 000 archival documents. A number of these has already been uploaded in the digital database MUIS.

The permanent exhibition of Järvamaa Museum is defined by theme rooms: from ancient times to the early Iron Age by archaeological findings and the natural part; an old pharmacy from the 18th century; cultural and educational life; a manor room; economic life in the beginning of the previous century; craftsman's room from a century ago; an intellectual's room from the 60s; a photography corner with photos from the 70s.

The temporary exhibition room features new exhibitions in every 2-3 months.

Järvamaa Museum offers various museum lessons and educational programmes, organises events connected with history and culture, mediates guided tours, and welcomes local history researchers and other history lovers to study the rich collections.

Järvamaa Museum offers a good overview of the historical and cultural heritage of our county over time.

See the location of the museum on the map.

Welcome to Järvamaa, welcome to Järvamaa county museum!

© Järvamaa Muuseum 2009-2013 - Design by homespace